Installation Instructions
Original Instructions
POINT Guard I/OSafety Modules
Catalog Numbers 1734-IB8S, 1734-IB8SK, 1734-OB8S, 1734-OB8SK, 1734-IE4S, 1734-IE4SK, 1734-OBV2S, 1734-OBV2SK
ATTENTION: Read this document and the documents listed in the Additional Resources section about installation, configuration and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.
Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
注意:在安装、配置、操作和维护本产品前, 请阅读本文档以及 “ 其他资源 ” 部分列出的有关设备安装、配置和操作的相应文档。除了所有适用规范、法律 和标准的相关要求之外, 用户还必须熟悉安装和接线说明。
安装、调整、投运、使用、组装、拆卸和维护等各项操作必须由经过适当训练的专业人员按照适用的操作规范实施。 如果未按照制造商指定的方式使用该设备,则可能会损害设备提供的保护。
ATENCIÓN: Antes de instalar, configurar, poner en funcionamiento o realizarel mantenimiento de este producto, lea este documento y los documentos listados en la sección Recursos adicionales acerca de la instalación, configuracióny operación de este equipo. Los usuarios deben familiarizarse con las instrucciones de instalaciónycableado y con los requisitos de todos los códigos, leyes yestándares vigentes. El personal debidamente capacitado debe realizar las actividades relacionadas a la instalación, ajustes, puesta en servicio, uso, ensamblaje, desensamblajey mantenimiento de conformidad con elcódigo de práctica aplicable. Si este equipo se usa de una manera no especificada por el fabricante, la protección provista por el equipo puede resultar afectada.
ATENÇÃO: Leia este e os demais documentos sobre instalação, configuração e operação do equipamento que estão na seção Recursos adicionais antes de instalar, configurar, operar ou manter este produto. Os usuários devem se familiarizar com as instruções de instalação e fiação além das especificações para todos os códigos, leis e normas aplicáveis.
É necessário que as atividades, incluindo instalação,ajustes, colocação em serviço,utilização, montagem, desmontagem e manutençãosejam realizadas por pessoal qualificado e especializado, de acordo com o código de prática aplicável.
Caso este equipamento seja utilizado de maneira não estabelecida pelo fabricante, a proteção fornecida pelo equipamento pode ficar prejudicada.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Перед тем как устанавливать, настраивать, эксплуатировать или обслуживать данное оборудование, прочитайте этот
документ и документы, перечисленные в разделе《Дополнительные ресурсы» . В этих документах изложены сведения об установке,
настройке и эксплуатации данного оборудования . Пользователи обязаны ознакомиться с инструкциями по установке и прокладке
注意 : 本製品左設置、構成、稼動未左仗保守寸石前仁、本書书占述本機器①設置、設定、操作仁,Uτ①参考資料①該当笛所仁記載之九τU石文書仁目左 通lτ<龙之U。工一圹仗、寸八τ①該当寸石条例、法律、規格①要件仁加元τ、設置书占述配線①手順仁習熟lτU石必要状扔5未寸。
設置調整、運斬①開始、使用、組立τ、解体、保守左含击諸作業仗、該当寸石宪施規則仁徒 →τ訓練左受叶左適切女作業員状宪行寸石必要状扔5未寸。 本機器状製造×一力仁占5指定之九τU女U方法飞使用之九τU石場合、機器仁占5提供之九τU石保護状損女力九石恐九状扔5未寸。
ACHTUNG: Lesen Sie dieses Dokument und die im Abschnitt „Weitere Informationen“aufgeführten Dokumente, die Informationen zu Installation, Konfiguration und Bedienung dieses Produkts enthalten, bevor Sie dieses Produkt installieren, konfigurieren, bedienen oder warten. Anwender müssen sich neben den Bestimmungen aller anwendbarenVorschriften, Gesetze und Normen zusätzlich mit den Installations- und
Verdrahtungsanweisungen vertraut machen.
Arbeitenim Rahmen der Installation, Anpassung, Inbetriebnahme, Verwendung, Montage, Demontage oder Instandhaltung dürfen nur durch ausreichend geschulte Mitarbeiter und in Übereinstimmung mit den anwendbaren Ausführungsvorschriften vorgenommen werden.
Wenn das Gerätineiner Weise verwendetwird, die vom Hersteller nicht vorgesehen ist, kann die Schutzfunktion beeinträchtigt sein.
ATTENTION : Lisez ce document et les documents listés dans la section Ressources complémentaires relatifs à l’installation, la configuration et le fonctionnement de cet équipement avant d’installer, configurer, utiliser ou entretenir ce produit. Les utilisateurs doivent se familiariser avec les instructions d’installation et de câblage en plus desexigences relatives aux codes, lois et normes en vigueur.
Les activités relatives à l’installation, le réglage, la mise en service, l’utilisation, l’assemblage, le démontage et l’entretien doivent être réalisées par des personnes forméesselon le code de pratique en vigueur. Si cet équipement est utilisé d’une façon qui n’a pas été définie par le fabricant, la protection fournie par l’équipement peut être compromise.
훊픦 : 쫆 헪琶 컲力 , 컲헣 , 핟솧 쏞쁢 퓮힎 쫂쿦믾 헒펞 쫆 줆컪읊
펺 컲力 , 컲헣 짝 핟솧펞 뫎岂 旮몮 핞욚 켇켦픦 줆컪슲픒 짦슪킪 핋몮 쿧힎
킻킪폲 . 칺푷핞쁢 졶슮 뫎엶 뮪헣 , 쩣뮪 짝 亚훎펞컪 푢묺
쁢 칺
펞 샎圳 짦슪킪 컲力 짝 짾컮 힎召픒 쿧힎圳퍊 旮삖삲 .
컲力 , 혾헣 , 많솧 , 칺푷 , 혾잋 , 쭒圳 , 퓮힎쫂쿦 슿 졶슮 핟펓픎 뫎엶 뮪헣펞 싾않 헏헖岂 묞퓯픒 짩픎 칺푷핞읊 圳컪잚 쿦刨圳퍊 旮삖삲 . 쫆 핳찒읊 헪혾칺많 졓킪
힎 팘픎 짷쩣픊옪 칺푷
졂 핳찒픦 쫂京 믾쁳핂 콞캏쇮 쿦 핖킃삖삲 .
ATTENZIONE Prima di installare, configurare ed utilizzare il prodotto, o effettuare interventi di manutenzione su di esso, leggere il presente documento ed i documenti elencati nella sezione“Altre risorse”, riguardanti l’installazione, la configurazione edil funzionamento dell’apparecchiatura. Gli utenti devono leggere e comprendere le istruzioni di installazione e cablaggio, oltre ai requisiti previsti dalle leggi, codici e standard
Le attività come installazione, regolazioni, utilizzo, assemblaggio, disassemblaggio e manutenzione devono essere svolte da personale adeguatamente addestrato, nel rispetto delle procedure previste. Qualora l’apparecchio venga utilizzato con modalità diverse da quanto previsto dal produttore, la sua funzione di protezione potrebbe venire compromessa.
DiKKAT: Bu ürünün kurulumu, yapılandırılması, i§letilmesiveya bakımı öncesinde bu dokümanı ve bu ekipmanın kurulumu, yapılandırılması ve i§letimi ile ilgili ilave Kaynaklar bölümünde yer listelenmi§ dokümanları okuyun. Kullanıcılaryürürlüktekitüm yönetmelikler, yasalar ve standartların gereksinimlerineekolarak kurulum ve kablolama talimatlarını da öjrenmek zorundadır.
Kurulum, ayarlama, hizmete alma, kullanma, parçaları birle§tirme, parçaları sökme ve bakım gibi aktiviteler sadece uygun ejitimlerialmı§ ki§ilertarafından yürürlükteki uygulama yönetmeliklerine uygun §ekilde yapılabilir.
Bu ekipman üreticitarafından belirlenmi§ amacın dı§ında kullanılırsa, ekipman tarafından sajlanan koruma bozulabilir.
注意事項:在安裝、設定、操作或維護本產品前,請先閱讀此文件以及列於 Γ其他資源」章節中有關安裝、設定與操作此設備的文件。使用者必須熟悉安裝 和配線指示,並符合所有法規、法律和標準要求。
包括安裝、調整、交付使用、使用、組裝、拆卸和維護等動作都必須交由已經過適當訓練的人員進行,以符合適用的實作法規。 如果將設備用於非製造商指定的用途時,可能會造成設備所提供的保護功能受損。
POZOR: Než za讠nete instalovat, konfigurovat 讠i provozovat tento výrobek nebo provád蓖tjeho údržbu, pte讠t蓖te sitento dokument a dokumenty uvedené v 讠ásti Dodate讠né zdrojeohledn蓖 instalace, konfigurace
UWAGA: Przed instalacj?, konfiguracj?, uiytkowaniem lub konserwacj? tego produktu naleiy przeczytat niniejszy dokument oraz wszystkie dokumenty wymienione w sekcji Dodatkowe iródta omawiaj?ce instalacje, konfiguracjei procedury uiytkowania tego urz?dzenia. Uiytkownicy maj?obowi?zekzapoznatsie z instrukcjami dotycz?cymi instalacji oraz oprzewodowania, jak równiei z obowi?zuj?cymikodeksami, prawem i normami.
Dziatania obejmuj?ce instalacje, regulacje, przekazanie do uiytkowania, uiytkowanie, montai, demontai oraz konserwacje musz? byt wykonywane przez odpowiednio przeszkolony personelzgodnie z obowi?zuj?cym kodeksem postepowania.
Je§li urz?dzenie jest uiytkowane w sposóbinny nii okre§lony przez producenta, zabezpieczeniezapewniane przez urz?dzenie moie zostatograniczone.
OBS! Läs detta dokument samt dokumentet, som står listat i avsnittet Övriga resurser, om installation, konfigurering och drift av denna utrustning innan du installerar, konfigurerar eller börjar använda eller utföra underhållsarbete på produkten. Användare måste bekanta sig med instruktionerför installation och kabeldragning, förutom krav enligtgällande koder, lagar och standarder.
Åtgärder som installation, justering, service, användning, montering, demontering och underhållsarbete måste utföras av personal med lämplig utbildning enligt lämpligt bruk. Om denna utrustning används på ett sätt som inte anges av tillverkaren kan det hända att utrustningens skyddsanordningarförsätts ur funktion.
LETOP: Lees dit document en de documenten die genoemd worden in de paragraaf Aanvullende informatie over de installatie, configuratie en bediening van deze apparatuur voordat u dit product installeert, configureert, bediend of onderhoudt. Gebruikers moeten zich vertrouwd maken met de installatie en de bedradingsinstructies, naast de vereisten van alle toepasselijkeregels, wetten en normen.
Activiteiten zoals het installeren, afstellen, in gebruik stellen, gebruiken, monteren, demonteren en het uitvoeren van onderhoud mogen uitsluitend worden uitgevoerd door hiervoor opgeleid personeel en in overeenstemming met de geldende praktijkregels.
Indien de apparatuur wordt gebruikt op een wijze die niet is gespecificeerd door defabrikant, dan bestaat hetgevaar dat de beveiliging van de apparatuur niet goed werkt.
POINT Guard I/O Safety Modules Installation Instructions
ATTENTION: In case of malfunction or damage, no attempts at repair should be made. The module should be returned to the manufacturer for repair. Do not dismantle the module. |
ATTENTION: Personnel responsible for the application of safety-related programmable electronic systems (PES) shall be aware of the safety
requirements in the application of the system and shall be trained in using the system.
surrounding air temperature range of -20…+55 °C (-4…+131 °F). The
equipment must not be used outside of this range.
ATTENTION: Use only a soft dry anti-static cloth to wipedown equipment. Do not use any cleaning agents. |
Environment and Enclosure |
ATTENTION: This equipment is intended for use in a Pollution Degree 2 This equipment is not intended for use in residential environments and may not provide adequate protection to radio communication services in such environments. This equipment is supplied as open-type equipment for indoor use. It must be mounted within an enclosure that is suitably designed for those specific environmental conditions that will be present and appropriately designed to prevent personal injury resulting from accessibility to live parts. The enclosure must have suitable flame-retardant properties to prevent or minimize the spread of flame, complying with a flame spread rating of 5VA or be approved for the application if nonmetallic. The interior of the enclosure must be accessible only by the use of a tool. Subsequent sections of this publication may contain more information regarding specific enclosure type ratings that are required to comply with certain product safety certifications. In addition to this publication, see the following: • Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770- 4.1, for more installation requirements. • NEMA Standard 250 and EN/IEC 60529, as applicable, for explanations of the degrees of protection provided by enclosures. |
European Hazardous Location Approval |
The following applies to products marked CE , 母 II 3 G: • Are Equipment Group II, Equipment Category 3, and comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of such equipment given in Annex II to Directive 2014/34/EU. See the EC Declaration of Conformity at: http:// for details. • The type of protection is “Ex ec IICT4 Gc according to EN IEC 60079-0 and EN 60079-7. • Comply to Standards EN IEC 60079-0:2018, EN 60079-7:2015+A1:2018,reference number DEMKO 09 ATEX 0919970X Rev. 2. • Are intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapors, mists, or air are unlikely to occur, or are likely to occur only infrequently and for short periods. Such locations correspond to Zone 2 classification according to ATEX directive 2014/34/EU. • May have catalog numbers followed by a “K” to indicate a conformal coating option. |
IEC Hazardous Location Approval |
The following applies to products with IECEx certification: • Are intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapors, mists, or air are unlikely to occur, or are likely to occur only infrequently and for short periods. Such locations correspond to Zone 2 classification to IEC 60079-0. • The type of protection is “Ex ec IICT4 Gc according to IEC 60079-0 and IEC 60079-7. • Comply to Standards IEC 60079-0, 7th Edition and IEC 60079-7, 5.1 Edition, reference IECEx certificate number IECEx UL 20.0093X. • May have catalog numbers followed by a“K”to indicate a conformal coating option. |
WARNING: If you connect or disconnect wiring while the field-side power is on, an electric arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous
before proceeding.
Special Conditions for Safe Use
WARNING: • This equipment is not resistant to sunlight or other sources of UV radiation. • This equipment shall be mounted in an ATEX/IECEx Zone 2 certified enclosure with a minimum ingress protection rating of at least IP54 (as defined in EN/IEC 60529) and used in an environment of not more than Pollution Degree 2 (as defined inEN/IEC 60664-1) when applied in Zone 2 environments. The enclosure must be accessible only by the use of a tool. • This equipment shall be used within its specified ratings defined by Rockwell Automation. • Secure any external connections that mate to this equipment by using screws, sliding latches, threaded connectors, or other means provided with this product. • Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous. • Provision shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient disturbances of more than 140% of the peak rated voltage when applied in Zone 2 environments. • This equipment must be used only with ATEX/IECEx certified Rockwell Automation® backplanes. • The instructions in the user manual shall be observed. |
Removal and Insertion Under Power (RIUP) |
WARNING: When you insert or remove the module while backplane power is on, an electric arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. Repeated electric arcing causes excessive wear to contacts on both the module and its mating connector. Worn contacts may create electrical resistance that can affect module operation. |
Removable Terminal Blocks
WARNING: When you connect or disconnect the removable terminal block (RTB) with field side power applied, an electric arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. |
Electrical Safety Considerations |
ATTENTION: To comply with the CE Low Voltage Directive (LVD), this equipment, and all connected I/O, must be powered from a safety extra low voltage (SELV) or protected extra low voltage (PELV) compliant source. For UL-compliant applications, the 1734-IB8S, 1734-OB8S, and 1734-OBV2S modules, and all connected I/O, must be powered from a SELV- or PELV- compliant power source that is rated 150VA maximum. For UL-compliant applications, the 1734-IE4S module, the module’s field power and connected I/O devices must be powered from a Class 2- compliant, limited voltage/limited current power source. |
Prevent Electrostatic Discharge |
ATTENTION: This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow these guidelines when you handle this equipment: • Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static. • Wear an approved grounding wriststrap. • Do not touch connectors or pins on component boards. • Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment. • Use a static-safe workstation, if available. • Store the equipment in appropriate static-safe packaging when not in use. |
North American Hazardous Location Approval |
The following information applies when operating this equipment in hazardous locations. |
Products marked “CLI, DIV 2, GPA, B, C, D” are suitable for use in Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D, Hazardous Locations and nonhazardous locations only. Each product is supplied with markings on the rating nameplate indicating the hazardous location temperature code. When combining products within a system, the most adverse temperature code (lowest “T” number) may be used to help determine the overall temperature code of the system. Combinations of equipment in your system are subject to investigation by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction at the time of installation. |
2 Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN016E-EN-P – December 2020
POINT Guard I/O Safety Modules Installation Instructions
North American Hazardous Location Approval
WARNING: Explosion Hazard • Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous. • Do not disconnect connections to this equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous. Secure any external connections that mate to this equipment by using screws, sliding latches, threaded connectors, or other means provided with this product. • Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2. • If this product contains batteries, they must only be changed in an area known to be nonhazardous. |
Informations sur l’utilisation de cet équipement en environnements dangereux. |
Les produits marqués “CL I, DIV 2, GPA, B,C, D” ne conviennent qu’à une utilisation en environnements de Classe I Division 2 GroupesA, B, C, D dangereux et non dangereux. Chaque produit est livré avec des marquages sur sa plaque d’identification qui indiquent le code de température pour les environnements dangereux. Lorsque plusieurs produits sont combinés dans un système, le code de température le plus défavorable (code de température le plus faible) peut être utilisé pour déterminer le code de température global du système. Les combinaisons d’équipements dans le système sont sujettes à inspection parles autorités locales qualifiées au moment de l’installation. |
AVERTISSEMENT: Risque d’Explosion • Couper le courant ou s’assurer que l’environnement est classé non dangereux avant de débrancher l’équipement. • Couper le courant ou s’assurer que l’environnement est classé non dangereux avant de débrancher les connecteurs. Fixer tous les connecteurs externes reliés à cet équipement à l’aide devis, loquets coulissants, connecteurs filetés ou autres moyens fournis avec ce produit. • La substitution de composants peut rendre cet équipement inadapté à une utilisation en environnement de Classe I, Division 2. • S’assurer que l’environnement est classé non dangereux avant de changer les piles. |
About the Modules Use the POINT Guard I/O™ safety modules in the POINT I/O™ platform to distribute safety I/O on a safety-control network that meets the requirements up to and including SIL CL 3, and PLe, Cat. 4 as defined in IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 62061, and ISO 13849-1. You can use the modules with GuardLogix®, Compact GuardLogix, and SmartGuard™ controllers. Mount the Module |
IMPORTANT Follow these guidelines when installing a module: • Use the module in an environment that is within the general specifications. • Use the module in an enclosure rated at IP54 (EN/IEC 60579) or higher. • Use DIN rail that is 35 mm (1.38 in.) wide to mount the terminal base in the control panel. • Place other heat sources an appropriate distance away from the module to maintain ambient temperatures around the module below specified maximums. • You can mount your module horizontally or vertically. |
To mount the module, you must install the mounting base, connect the module to the mounting base, and then connect the removable terminal block. The mounting base assembly (catalog number 1734-TB or 1734-TBS) consists of a mounting base and a removable terminal block. Alternatively, you can use the POINT I/O one-piece mounting base (catalog number 1734-TOP, 1734-TOPS, 1734-TOP3, or 1734-TOP3S). |
You need two mounting base assemblies for each POINT Guard I/ O module. Do not use 1734-TB3 or 1734-TB3S mounting base assemblies. |
To reinsert the RTB, complete the following steps.
1. Insert the RTBend opposite the handle into the base unit. The end has a curved section that engages with the mounting base.
2. Rotate the terminal block into the mounting base until it locks itself in place.
3. If an I/O module is installed, snap the RTB handle into place on the module.
For information on how to wire the I/O module, see the POINT Guard I/O Safety Modules User Manual, publication 1734-UM013.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1734-IN016E-EN-P – December 2020 3
Attribute |
1734-IB8S, 1734-IB8SK |
1734-OB8S, 1734-OB8SK |
1734-IE4S, 1734-IE4SK |
1734-OBV2S, 1734-OBV2SK |
Temperature, operating IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold), IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat), IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock) |
-20 °C < Ta < +55 °C (-4 °F < Ta < +131 °F) |
Temperature, surrounding air, max |
55 °C (131 °F) |
Enclosure type rating |
None (open-style) |
Voltage and current ratings
Field Power |
19.2…28.8VDC, 25 mA (no load), SELV/PELV 150VA max |
19.2…28.8VDC, 50 mA (no load), SELV/PELV 150VA max |
19.2…28.8V DC, 65 mA, Class 2 |
19.2…28.8V DC, 65 mA (no load), SELV/PELV 150VA max |
Output/Sensor Output(1) |
19.2…28.8V DC 700 mA max per output @ 40 °C (104 °F) 500 mA max per output @ 55 °C (131 °F) 2.8 A max per module @ 40 °C (104 °F) 0.55 A max per module @ 55 °C (131 °F) |
19.2…28.8V DC 1.0 A max per output @ 40 °C (104 °F) 500 mA max per output @ 55 °C (131 °F) 8.0 A max per module @ 40 °C (104 °F) 2.0 A max per module @ 55 °C (131 °F) |
24V DC 150 mA max per output @ 55 °C (131 °F) |
19.2…28.8V DC 1.25 A max per output @ 40 °C (104 °F) 500 mA max per output @ 55 °C (131 °F) 2.0 A max per module @ 40 °C (104 °F) 800 mA max per module @ 55 °C (131 °F) |
Input |
11…30V DC, 3.5 mA @ 40 °C (104 °F), SELV/ PELV 150VA max 11…28.8VDC, 3.5 mA @ 55 °C (131 °F), SELV/PELV 150VA max |
– |
+/-10V DC Voltage 0…20 mA Current |
– |
Tach |
– |
– |
0…24V DC |
– |
Backplane |
5V DC, 125 mA |
5V DC, 125 mA |
5V DC, 110 mA |
5V DC, 125 mA |
Isolation voltage |
50V (continuous), Basic Insulation Type, between field side and system No isolation between individual channels |
Wire type |
— |
— |
Shielded on signal ports |
— |
Pilot duty rating |
Test Outputs: Not rated |
Outputs: Not rated |
Sensor Outputs: Not rated |
DC-13, DC-14 Inrush Electronically limited 1.8 A |
North America temp code |
T4 |
ATEXtemp code |
T4 |
IEC temp code |
T4 |
(1) Sensor Output only applies to the 1734-IE4S and 1734-IESK modules.
Additional Resources
Resource |
Description |
POINT Guard I/O Safety Modules User Manual, publication, 1734-UM013 |
Describes how to install, configure, program, and use POINT Guard I/O Safety controllers. |
POINT I/O Wiring Base Assembly Installation Instructions, publication 1734-IN511 |
Provides installation information on 1734-TB and 1734-TBS assemblies. |
POINT I/O One-piece Wiring Base Assembly Installation Instructions, publication 1734-IN028 |
Provides installation information on 1734-TOP, 1734-TOPS, 1734-TOP3, and 1734-TOP3S assemblies. |
GuardLogix 5570 and Compact GuardLogix 5370 Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual, publication |
Provides information on safety application requirements for GuardLogix 5570 and Compact GuardLogix 5370 controllers in Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application projects. |
GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual, publication |
Provides information on safety application requirements for GuardLogix 5580 and Compact GuardLogix 5380 controllers in Studio 5000 Logix Designer application projects. |
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 |
Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system. |
Product Certifications website, |
Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details. |
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
At the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.
Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at
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Allen-Bradley, expanding human possibility, GuardLogix, POINT Guard I/O,POINT I/O, Rockwell Automation, SmartGuard, and Studio 5000 Logix Designer are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of theirrespective companies.
Publication 1734-IN016E-EN-P – December 2020 | Supersedes Publication 1734-IN016D-EN-P- March 2019
Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.